Awarded a $16,000 Research Award
Awarded a $10,000 FGSR Thesis Only Scholarship
Awarded a $1500 CUPE 5791 Scholarship
Awarded a $1250 Saskatchewan Innovation and Excellence Graduate Scholarship.
Published the research paper titled ”Revisiting FastTap: Effects of Increasing Command Capacity of Spatial Memory Menus in Tablets in the IEEE UEMCON 2024
Published the research paper ”Effects of Increasing Command Capacity of Spatial Memory Menus in Tablets” in ACM ISS 2024 on the Poster Track
Bachelor’s thesis: Analysis of the Impact of Online Education using EEG Signals and Machine Learning Algorithms
Awarded with Distinction
Assessed and graded projects and exams for courses including Software Engineering Methodology, Risk and Reward in the Information Society, Mobile Computing, and Topics in Cybersecurity, providing constructive feedback and maintaining objectivity.
Managed final exams for Software Engineering Methodology, Risk and Reward in the Information Society, Mobile Computing, and Topics in Cybersecurity, ensuring secure and organized testing environments.
Facilitated weekly assignment sessions to nurture student growth and academic success.
Timely response to student inquiries and provision of constructive feedback for continuous improvement.
Guided students to access vital support systems for an enriched university experience.
Assisted in the seamless setup and functionality of new equipment under Technical Analyst’s guidance.
Ensured accuracy and relevance by updating the Library and Archives website and Intranet content.
Maintained centralized records for equipment updates and changes to ensure comprehensive tracking and organized maintenance activities.
Led hands-on learning experiences for Object-Oriented Design across four sections, with a combined student body of over 80 individuals.
Conducted lab sessions and oral assessments to reinforce understanding of course material and foster student engagement.
Optimized the Brilliant Cloud Portal frontend, resulting in a 93.33% reduction in size. Additionally, developed frontends for several new services, including the Load Balancer, IAM, S3, App Platform, and Alarm Service.
The ticketing portal provides comprehensive ticket management features for clients and employees, including ticket issuance, transfer, commenting, reporting, and more. The platform was developed using a combination of technologies including Flask RestX, Flask PyMongo, Flask Mail, Celery, Boto3, and Flask Weasyprint.
Guided and Trained Interns and Junior Software Engineers in Product Development and Managed Trello Ticket Assignments.
Redesigned and Improved Landing, Pricing, and Signup Pages of Brilliant Cloud Portal (BCP) with Enhanced Color and User Experience.
Streamlined User Experience by Integrating Multiple Pages into One for Virtual Machine Launch, Resulting in a 50% Increase in User Adoption. Developed Using React, Material UI and State Management with Redux.
Collaborated with CTO and Development Team for Product Conceptualization.
Assisted in the Development and Debugging of a Web Application for Pickaboo, a Leading E-commerce Company.
Fostered strong client relationships while leading teams to successfully deliver high-quality projects on time, meeting and exceeding expectations.
Designed and developed 100+ creative assets, including logos, websites, and video content, to enhance clients’ brand identity and online presence.
Managed cross-functional teams to produce engaging social media campaigns and impactful marketing content, driving client satisfaction and business growth.
Rectified issues and created the frontend of their portal
Received a five-star evaluation from the organization
Constructed the user interface for the student application portal and integrated APIs
Received a top-rated assessment from the organization
Integrated APIs into their website and resolved bugs
Received a five-star review from the organization